Prof. Dr. Maria A. Wimmer

Prof. Dr. Maria A. Wimmer

Scientific CV:
PhD in Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz, Austria (2000);
Habilitation in Applied Computer Science at JKU, Austria (2003).
Research stay at the National Research Council, Rome and the University of Siena, Italy, 1997-1999.
Since 2005 Professor of Administrative Informatics at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz Campus.

Research interests: 
holistic information system design and digital transformation in the public sector, especially through the use of innovative information and communication technologies.
Focal points include the implementation of the once-only principle, interoperability and networked systems of public administration (also cross-border in the EU), citizen participation and stakeholder engagement (co-creation), smart city/region, as well as approaches to data-driven modelling and data governance.

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